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Registration form for the Vegetable Garden World Cup !

Congratulations on your mobilization! By participating, you are committing to hands-on teaching, the preservation of biodiversity, sustainable food and the fight against climate change. By registering, you agree to respect the rules and values ​​of the competition, which are mutual aid, solidarity, kindness, transparency and inclusion.

✅ Eligibility:

➔ Do you already have a vegetable garden? Are you starting from scratch? In both cases, you can participate!
➔ Your vegetable garden can be located within the confines of your structure, or elsewhere! (land loaned by a company, community, association, or made available by an individual, etc.)
➔ Your vegetable garden can be very small (minimum 6m2), and/or installed in containers!
➔ Your vegetable garden can be combined with a henhouse, an orchard, aquaponics... The only condition: that there is a space of land producing vegetables!

Le champ SMS doit contenir entre 6 et 19 chiffres et inclure le code pays sans utiliser +/0 (ex. : 33xxxxxxxxx pour la France)

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